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Symphony in the Flint Hills and International Opera Workshop presents Opera Workshop in the Flint Hills, a master class of advanced students and young professional singers who will perform in Marion, Kansas August 3 through 5.
“We have 11 young singers participating this summer from Kansas, North Carolina, Texas, Ohio, Oklahoma and China. It is exciting to find young people who are so dedicated and passionate about what they are doing,” said Martha Sharp, artistic director of Opera Workshop in the Flint Hills.
International Opera Workshop was founded in 1999 with a focus on helping opera singers find their acting talents and execute them in a natural and logical way while maintaining the disciplines which are necessary for the body to optimally function as a singing “instrument.” Since then, the group has organized workshops in Austria, Iceland and, in 2017, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas.
“We are thrilled to bring back Opera Workshop in the Flint Hills for the second year in a row. With its Elgin Hotel, historic Municipal Auditorium and arts culture, Marion will be a great host community for Opera Workshop in the Flint Hills,” added Christy Davis, executive director of Symphony in the Flint Hills. Local sponsors for the event include the Historic Elgin Hotel and the city of Marion.
Public performances will include scenes from five different operas: “Werther” by Jules Massent, “Le Nozze di Figaro” by W.A. Mozart, “Die Fledermaus” by Richard Strauss and “Die Zauberflöte” by W.A. Mozart. Singer Beverly Hoch will return to her hometown of Marion to perform as the guest artist with the program as well as teaching a master class, offering lessons and musical coaching.
“What a treat to bring Beverly back to her hometown where she’ll perform on the same stage she did when she attended Marion High School and played Eliza Doolittle from ‘My Fair Lady,’” said Sharp. “Beverly has made a fantastic career and is a fabulous singer. We have known of each other for years and even filled in for each other, but we’ve never met. I’m excited to finally do so!”
The performances will take place at the Marion Community Center at 203 N. Third Street in Marion, Kansas. Shows are August 3 and 4 at 7 p.m. and August 5 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $30 plus tax and can be purchased at https://2018-opera-workshop-in-the-flint-hills.eventbrite.com. For more information, call the Symphony in the Flint Hills office at 620-273-8955.