This holiday season, give the experience of great open skies and soaring music! Our annual gathering on the prairie celebrating music, art and the ecology of the Flint Hills is an experience they’ll always remember. This year’s day of awe-inspiring views accompanied by world-class music at Symphony in the Flint Hills’ Signature Event on June 13, 2020, is in Wabaunsee County, home of the Kansas Native Stone Scenic Byway.
Order by December 19 and receive a wrapped personalized gift with the following: 2-General Admission tickets to our 2020 Signature Event with day-long activities culminating in a performance by the Kansas City Symphony * 2020 Field Journal focusing on Stone * Set of 6 notecards featuring outcroppings of stone by photographer Brian Schoenfish * 6” stone trivet with imprint of native Big Bluestem grass * prairie icon sticker. Shipping included.
Order your gift experience today! Great for birthdays, celebrations or holiday giving.